Ground Studies
Geophysical prospection constitutes a very versatile tool in
terrain studies, allowing to obtain data of continuous character in the form of 2D and 3D models of the internal
structure of the land.
Data acquisition is fast,
investigating large areas at reduced costs. They are nondestructive
methods and the measurement equipment is in general light and portable
making it the preferred option in those areas where access is limited or
restricted with a minimum impact for the environment.
Defects or failures in man-made structures can result in very large costs or, in the worst case, in
personal injuries or fatalities. Geophysical techniques are becoming one
of the preferred tools in Quality Assurance and Quality Control in
construction projects due to their nondestructive character, quick
spatial scanning and relative low cost.
Concrete integrity and its reinforcement can be
analyzed to identify hidden defects (voids, cracks, humidity, etc). Moreover, they can provide continuous data and
the combination of different methods may be integrated in order to
provide a comprehensive, yet focused response to each client's particular
Civil Engineering Studies
Throughout the life span of a civil construction project geophysical tools are widely used. From the
early drawing-board point to the operational days of the infrastructure,
geophysics is often used by professionals around the world.
It is used in the investigation of tunnels, bridges, trenches, embankments, airports, railroads, harbors,
Buried Utilities Location
Geofísica Consultores has a department specialized in the location of buried utilities
The services that offer the department involve cartography of buried services, insitu determination of pipe positions, location of safe spots for drilling campaigns, penetrometers, and the location of buried structures (gas tanks, hidden manholes, etc).